How can I pay for my material?
We now only accept Visa, Mastercard, and Debit, for when you come into our landscape depot and wish to take away material yourself. However, if you are going to place a delivery for material, we require a credit card in order to do a pre-authorization. The reason we do a pre-authorization is because often material amounts or delivery time can change, and we only want to charge you for the amount you take.
Why is there a second amount showing on my credit card?
As per our answer above, our deliveries require a credit card for a pre-authorization; this system works just like the gas pumps. Your card is initially charged a larger set amount at the start (which would cover any costs associated with your order), but once the billing is completed (allow 2-3 business days after your delivery for the processing) the card is actually charged the exact amount– any remaining balance goes back on to your card. Don’t worry you haven’t been charged twice!